A War Versus War World
Why can we never get together and be who we are and not be the enemy, the grudge, the hateful ones, the critic, the power monger, the human with a gun to take down whatever steps across their pathway, because evil is in the gun or the step or the thought or the heart.
Why does it matter if I’m an Anglican or you are Jewish or Hamas or someone is Muslim or Tanzanian or Mayan or Indian (both types) or Vietnamese taking care of an elephant in Thailand, or scooting out of the last exit from China or sleeping next to snoring and farting climbers on the last day stop to the base camp of Mt. Everest? We were not allowed to step into the back because China didn’t allow anyone to cheer or yell anything about the Olympics in progress. it was pretty gross anywhere with all the men passing gas and moving around on the crude wooden floors deciding what to do since China would not let us get pass base camp.
But the best sleep I ever had was on a block of straw in a primitive bar storage, sort of last stop saloon kind of thing, at the end of the holy Mt. Kailash (Kangrinboqe Peak) which resembles a giant dome of white ice - but no one can touch or climb that due to its holiness. Having finished making it around Mt. Kailash, hanging the holy flags and sliding down steep trails too dangerous for even donkeys or horses to travel with a rider, so we slid down on our booty until we reached the pastures down below, where the ponies were happily resting and eating grass. But it was a walk after getting down off the huge mountains, and it was exhausting, and the holiest experience one can have in any part of the world, it was noted.
Where is that Amazing Grace of God? Where is the beautiful part, the smile and the laughter and the joke and the stories and the love and joy we should have for each other? Is jealousy the ruler? Is hate the ruler? Is killing a delight that gets rid of the rat while the cat is too sluggish and lazy to leap upon it? Mount Kailash is at the center of the earth and claims seven types of lights that can be seen shinning in the sky. It could be due to the magnetic force focused on it. Only one person, a holy monk, every climbed Kailash. It is exactly in the center of the world although its opposite claims that in the middle of the Pacific. Seek out Easter Island with its Rano Kao volcano and monster heads and now bodies (Ahu Tongariki, Rapa Nui, Rano Raraku) the names of these amazing heads that no one knows from where they came. But trust me. It’s the most fascinating place to go in all the earth.
I don’t understand the concept of HATE. It happens all over the world. In little piles and in giant fearful piles that just want to dominate, get the best of, move aside, and be somebody who will strip fun from the sport in action. Things have even gotten hateful off the courts, especially the big-time basketball court - everyone is a star for sure, but when they let go their grudge and their languages slip on the floor so that kids can also hear their charges and curses, then things have to be withdrawn - like maybe sitting out a few games. What can be worse that young kids seeing their heroes throwing out curved curse words that twirl evil up and down so that they learn too much too soon?
Shouldn’t we be getting together rather than apart? Isn’t it learning about each other in such a way that we can be friends, although we may not agree on things political, or historical, or even barbecue, nor do we want to read the same book because we don’t like what’s in it. But still we are humans, like say dogs or cats who are okay if you let them live their lives and have plenty to eat. But starve them or attack them, or forget them, then there is a problem at the front door.
In so many parts of this earth, hatred comes from powerful men who don’t want to lose that power, or they are truly following the rules of their faith - which were set up either by Mohammed or by Moses or Abraham or Jesus or whomever we have recorded in small books that still survive after Jesus hung on the cross, basically to save each of us from sin and hatred and faithlessness and so few understood what it was all about.
Most of us don’t know much about the Gaza and the one million people that threat Hamas in that strip. We just don’t want to know the horrors of a fight for death and the widespread killing of Palestinian civilians, damaging Israel’s global reputation. Innocent civilians are suddenly learning about Hamas, and enormous walls that had cut them off from society and so much of Israel so that who knew what they knew or anticipated while others prayed everything would be okay, but it wasn’t.
I have so many friends in various parts of the world, and one is reluctant to get too close because there are wars and wars upon wars and here today gone tomorrow can be a tragic experience. We fly all over the world. That’s pretty safe, so far. But getting where we want to get to, and playing with the climates and weathers and scoops of people who didn’t do it right getting a cheap flight, or there is some diversion because we couldn’t land in Cairo when we had to land in Ethiopia or things that get confusing either because we weren’t paying attention, or the airlines got messed up. These things don’t seem to disturb my son’s travels. He is big on playing golf all over the place and he usually gets there and back.
I’ve been blessed that the route from Miami to Montevideo (sometimes via Sao Paulo) has been good experiences, except one time I remember well, when we were taking off in the dark of night on the Uruguayan runway (this was before the new airport runway was 100 percent). Something banged in the cockpit and our wise alert pilot was able to stop the plane before tragedy had wrapped around us. Things happen. God takes care of it with the skills of the crew designated to get us safely eventually to our destination. We exited the plane and spent the night in hotels. Quick sleep. Next mornings were back on the runway and soaring up in the sky, thanks to God’s grace and the skilled pilots.
~ Rev